Understanding Non-Invasive Glucose Level Sensing Using Raman Scattering to Propose Novel Schemes

Authors: Aldo Di Costanzo Mata, Luis Cortez González, Daniel Ceballos Herrera, Arturo Castillo Guzmán, Romeo Selvas Aguilar

Research in Computing Science, Vol. 131, pp. 49-53, 2017.

Abstract: For Healthcare professionals is important to measure the glucose level in diabetes patients in order to prevent any systematical failure. For this manner it is important to understand the social and economic advantages of developing non-invasive sensing methods. The main objective is to use the Raman Scattering to develop schemes that predicts the value of glucose level on patients using the Source and Stokes wavelengths energies signals.

PDF: Understanding Non-Invasive Glucose Level Sensing Using Raman Scattering to Propose Novel Schemes
PDF: Understanding Non-Invasive Glucose Level Sensing Using Raman Scattering to Propose Novel Schemes